The 2018 edition of the Trail World Championships took place in Castellón de la Plana, Spain on May 10, 2018. Co-administered by the International Association of Ultrarunners and the International Trail Running Association and hosted by the Penyagolosa Trails Race Organization, the championships course had a distance of 85km (53 miles), 4,900 meters (16,000 feet) of climbing and 3,700m (12,000 ft) of descent. The course begins at almost sea level on Spain’s Mediterranean Coast and climbs through the at times vertiginous and almost always hilly landscape to finish at the Sant Joan de Penyagolosa sanctuary on Penyagolosa Mountain, at 1,280m (4,200 ft) altitude. Spain's Luis Alberto Hernando won a third successive men's title and Ragna Debats of the Netherlands won the female's title. Spain also won the team title, while Great Britain and France took the runner-up team titles. For the first time, Leung Ying Suet and Stone Tsang Siu Keung represented Hong Kong in the championships and we are proud to see both finishing the race, despite intense competition and a very tough course. Their participation at the Trail World Championships would not have been possible without the support of the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association much gratitude to team leader Mr. Joseph Wong providing the much needed support at the checkpoints for our Hong Kong runners.
Gone Running has announced its 3rd Hong Kong Trail Running Awards to recognize outstanding athletic achievement, sportsmanship and community contributions over the preceding 12 months.
The latest edition has taken into consideration community feedback and will include some changes this year, which will hopefully will make the awards more representative and exciting. TRAHK is proud to be invited as the judging panel in addition to popular votes. For details and to nominate your favourite runners, teams, races and community contributors in Hong Kong, please go to 【香港越野跑頒獎禮 17/18 - 接受公眾提名】 「喜跑」一直支持香港越野跑發展,2018年再次舉辦第三屆 「香港越野跑頒獎禮」。藉此表揚過去一年在越野跑上表現出色,不斷作出貢獻以及極具體育精神的運動員或有關人仕。 聆聽了大家的意見後,為使頒獎內容更具代表性,我們今年的型式作出了三項改變。TRAHK 也很榮幸獲邀成為是次頒獎禮的評委。詳細資料以及提名你喜愛嘅運動員,團隊,賽事等等。請瀏覽以下網頁:。 #HKTRA #HongKongTrailRunningAward |
June 2024
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